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Hey Reader,

Do you know what makes a brand really special?

It’s when they understand what’s bothering you and offer a solution to fix it! and yes they do their research to find out exactly that, some might even call it stalking, but thats a good thing, right?

Think about your go-to products or services. Chances are, they address a specific need or frustration in your life.

That’s no coincidence! Smart brands listen to their customers and create solutions that resonate.

They talk about your problems and offer solutions. And that’s why you love them!

But here’s the thing, if a brand stops addressing your problems, you’ll likely lose interest in them. It’s like they’ve stopped listening, and so we move on to the next brand.

“Ok that makes sense but what problem do I solve”, is the most asked question in our 1-on-1 coaching sessions. Everyone has a problem that needs to be solved. Sometimes it just isn’t as in your face as “my car tyre has a puncture so I need a new tyre.

Here are some examples of “problems” that businesses solve:

  • Need a new outfit for a special occasion? That’s a problem!
  • Want to get fit and healthy but don’t know where to start? That’s a problem!
  • Need help with your taxes or accounting? That’s a problem!
  • Looking for a new restaurant to try? That’s a problem!
  • Want to learn a new skill or hobby? That’s a problem!
  • How can I manage my team and all these project tasks effectively? That’s a problem!

Great so what now? Work through these steps. The deeper understanding you have of your customers the easier this becomes:

  1. Identify the problem: Think about what’s bothering your customers or the people you want to help. What are their pain points?
  2. Talk about it:Share your message on social media, via email, or even on your website. Use language that resonates with your audience and shows them you understand their struggles.
  3. Offer a solution: Once you’ve talked about the problem, offer a solution! This could be a product, service, or even just some helpful advice.
  4. Keep the conversation going: Don’t just stop at one post or email. Keep talking about the problem and your solution. Share testimonials, success stories, and tips to help your audience overcome their challenges.

The more you know about your customer the better.

Join our Customer Clarity masterclass and learn the ultimate formula to dig deep, get under their skin, and make them beg to buy from you!

This is the last chance to save over 40% on the complete InnerCircle membership.

>>>Signup today and save over 40%

Remember, every business solves a problem for someone! Whether you’re a fashion brand, a personal trainer, an accountant, a restaurant owner, or an online course creator, you’re helping people overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Start talking about your customers problems and watch how your audience responds! Let me know how you go.


When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

  • The must have MarketingOSfor businesses in 2024: From running your first ads to building a personal brand. This is the ultimate tool kit for entrepreneurs in 2024.
  • Meta Ads Accelerator: Never run ads before? Start running successful ads within a few hours, using the same strategies and frameworks we use for our agency clients.
  • AdsLab: Don’t know what ads to run? We make it easy. Each week we upload proven successful ads templates for easy drag and drop ad creation. Saving you hundreds of hours and $1000’s in trial and error.

Got questions, hit reply any time!