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Launching a new product or business is an exciting milestone, but one common mistake many people make is waiting too long to start their marketing efforts.

The idea that customers will magically discover your product on the day it launches is a myth.

Instead, starting your marketing early can set you up for a successful launch and help your business thrive from day one. Here are some actionable steps to ensure you don’t make this common mistake.

Begin Marketing Before the Launch

It might seem like common sense, but many people overlook the importance of early marketing.

Don’t wait until your product is ready to launch to start building your brand and reaching out to potential customers.

As soon as you have a good idea and a plan to move forward, it’s time to start marketing.

This could be weeks or even months before the actual launch date.

Understand Your Audience

Starting early gives you the advantage of time to understand your audience.

As you begin to market, you’ll gather valuable insights into what your potential customers are looking for and how they respond to your product.

This period allows you to:

  • Test different marketing strategies
  • Identify what resonates with your audience
  • Make necessary adjustments to your product

By the time you’re ready to launch, you’ll have a clearer picture of what will make your product appealing to your target market.

Test and Adjust Your Product

Early marketing isn’t just about promotion—it’s also about testing the waters and feedback.

When you start marketing early, you can see firsthand how your audience reacts. This helps you identify any necessary changes to your product to better meet customer demands.

You’ll be able to tweak and refine your product so that it hits the mark perfectly when you launch.

Develop a Strong Marketing Strategy

A crucial part of your early efforts should be developing a flexible marketing strategy.

Here are a few steps to consider:

  1. Content that Connects: Identify what type of content performs well organically. This can vary by platform—what works on Instagram might not have the same impact on LinkedIn. By analyzing which content resonates, you can create a strategy tailored to your audience’s preferences.
  2. Paid Advertising: Once you understand what works organically, you can start investing in paid advertising. Using your best-performing content as a base, you’ll be able to efficiently target your ads and maximize their impact.
  3. Consistent Engagement: Regularly engage with your audience through social media, email newsletters, blog posts, and more. Building a relationship with potential customers early on can create a sense of anticipation and loyalty before you even launch.

Ensure a Smooth Launch

By not waiting until the last minute to start your marketing, you’ll set yourself up for a smoother and more successful launch.

You’ll already have data, insights, and a built-up customer interest. This means:

  • Prepared: You’ve ironed out the kinks in your marketing and understand your audience’s needs.
  • Visibility: Your product is already on the radar of potential customers.
  • Momentum: You’re not starting from scratch, you’re launching with a head start.

Starting your marketing efforts early is not an option, it’s a necessity for ensuring that when your launch day arrives, you’re not left hoping for the best.

Instead, you’ll be positioned for success with an established brand presence and a ready-to-buy customer base.

An early start with your marketing can make a significant difference in your product’s success.

Don’t wait until the last moment, get started now and pave the way for a successful launch!


When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

  • The must have MarketingOSfor businesses in 2024: From running your first ads to building a personal brand. This is the ultimate tool kit for entrepreneurs in 2024.
  • Meta Ads Accelerator: Never run ads before? Start running successful ads within a few hours.
  • AdsLab: Don’t know what ads to run? We make it easy. Each week we upload proven successful ads templates for easy drag and drop ad creation. Saving you hundreds of hours and $1000’s in trial and error.

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