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Hello Reader,

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for the weekly wrap-up. In this edition, a quick way to increase sales by up to 22%, find funnel flaws and deal with duplicated conversion data. Let’s get into it.

Slow motion is the epitome of luxury.

According to a recent report from the Journal of Marketing, incorporating slow-motion videos into your marketing strategy can enhance the perceived luxury of your product or brand. The study’s experiments revealed that this technique resulted in an 18% increase in clicks, an 11% increase in acceptable price, and a 22% increase in sales.

The report focused on ‘luxury’ products, but it applies to premium and high-quality items as well. If you aim to position your product in the luxury category, slow-mo is the ideal approach.

Custom funnels on Google Analytics

Have you embraced funnel culture yet? If not read this marketrnotesarticle on building a funnel that converts.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now enables you to generate custom and detailed reports that reveal the actions users take between each stage of the funnel. This feature allows you to identify the number of users who abandon the process at each step, enabling you to assess and remove any redundant steps. How impressive!

Why we care:The greater the amount of data we obtain, the simpler it becomes to optimize and, in turn, enhance the overall success of our funnels.

Is Meta Overcounting Conversions?

The question of whether Meta is overcounting conversions has been raised. Before you grab our pitchforks there’s a few things we need to check.

#1 – Duplicated Browser Events? When sending conversion data from both the server (Conversions API) and the browser (Pixel), it’s crucial to deduplicate your events. Otherwise, Meta will count each event separately, leading to inaccurate results.

#2 – Observe the Event Setup. Was a third-party tool utilized? If it’s a custom conversion, was it configured correctly? Did you input a single URL into the “URL contains” rule?#

3 – Check the Conversion URLs. Events can be triggered at the wrong step, leading to inaccurate data. For instance, a purchase event added to a landing page instead of a confirmation page.

Hopefully you managed to find the error and fix it, if not the long task of working with Meta support awaits you. Good luck.
*Inner circle members setup a call and we’ll work through this with you.

Till next time,